Add to Server

Invite the Rockstar Weekly bot to your server

• Data storage on Discord allows the autopost command and translations options to function properly.

• Data storage on this website allows the developer to provide you with a better experience.

• If you do not subscribe to GTA Online or Red Dead Online auto posts and your server language is English no data is ever stored.

• If you select a server language other than English your server ID will be stored.

• If you subscribe to auto posts the server ID and the channel ID(s) of whatever channel(s) you chose will be stored.

• Channel IDs and Server IDs will be stored until you remove the channel using the /autopost command or kick the bot from the server.

• If any language besides English is chosen, your server ID will be stored until the bot is removed from the server or the language is changed back to English.

• It can take up to 30 minutes for stored data to be removed after the bot is kicked from a server.

• This bot was created, developed, and is maintained by Courtney1723 who is located in Colorado, USA.

• I am the only person who will view your data and it is always completely anonymous.

• You can contact me by email or by joining the Rockstar Weekly support server.

• You can remove all stored data by kicking the Rockstar Weekly bot from a server.

• It can take up to 30 minutes for stored data to be removed after the bot is kicked from a server.

• You can remove channel ID and server ID data by typing /autopost, clicking 'Stop', clicking 'GTA' or 'RDO', and then selecting the channel you want to remove.

• If another language besides English is in use you can remove server ID data by typing /language and selecting 'English'

• You can manually request your data to be removed by joining the Rockstar Weekly support server or by emailing the developer.

• A cookie is a piece of code stored in your web browser.

• Cookies on this site are only used for functional purposes like error reporting and page speed insigts.

• Your data is always anonymous and only the developer can view it.

• By clicking the button below you will prevent Google Anyalytics from accessing your anonymous data.