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Invite the Rockstar Weekly bot to your server

• Sometimes the bot will go offline for a few minutes in order to debug and for testing purposes. Try again in a few minutes.

• It can take up to 10 seconds to retrieve information from the Rockstar Games Social Club. During that time, there will be a message that says "Rockstar Weekly is thinking...".
• If it has been more than 10 seconds, the Rockstar Games Social Club may be down, discord may be down, or the bot needs to be re-invited by Clicking Here.

• The message "❗️The application did not respond" can sometimes occur when discord is down or I am testing new features.
• If you encounter this error you can report it in the Rockstar Weekly Support Server or by emailing the developer.

• Discord only allows messages of up to 4096 characters for embeds and sometimes everything doesn't fit. I try to include the most important information.

• There is a link at the bottom of every /gta or /rdo embed with the full details of the latest discounts and bonuses.

• There is a permission that may need to be turned on by a server administrator if you do not have access to any slash commands.
• Server Settings --> Roles --> [Your highest role] --> Permissions --> Use Application Commands

• If you can use and see other bot's slash commands but not the Rockstar Weekly bot's commands you may need to re-invite the Rockstar Weekly bot to your server by Clicking Here.

• Sometimes, closing the app completely or refreshing the browser can fix this problem.

• The Rockstar Games Social Club updates the GTAV online bonuses and discounts every Thursday at around 1:00PM EST and the RDO bonuses and discounts the first Tuesday of every month at around 1:00PM EST. You can see if they have been updated by clicking here for GTAV and by clicking here for RDR2.

• Sometimes, there are formatting issues or bugs that need to be fixed after the Rockstar Games Social Club has updated the latest bonuses and discounts. It usually takes me less than 5 minutes to test and deploy these formatting bugs but it can take up to 30 minutes.
• The best time to get the latest bonuses and discounts on the day they launch is after 2:00PM EST.

• The bot status will change from 'Watching bonuses' to 'Watching NEW bonuses' when the latest discounts & bonuses are live.